Curtis Acosta, Acosta Latino Learning Partnership and Education for Liberation Network , Tucson, AZ; Jr Arimboanga, Teacher, ARISE High School, OUSD Ethnic Studies Committee Pilot; Artnelson Concordia, SFUSD Ethnic Studies Teacher on Special Assignment; Cati de los Rios, PhD Candidate, Teachers College, Columbia University, NYCoRE; Roxana Duenas, Roosevelt High School Ethnic Studies Teacher (LA); Carlos EC Hagedorn, Instructor, Mexican American/Xicana.o and Latin American Studies, Napa Valley College Youth Leadership Developer; Jorge Lopez, Roosevelt High School Ethnic Studies Teacher (LA); Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales, Professor, Asian American Studies, SFState; Director of PEP; Mariana Ramirez, Roosevelt High School Ethnic Studies Teacher (LA); Jocyl Sacramento, Ph.D. Candidate, UC Berkeley, SF Ethnic Studies Collective; Carla Wojczuk, MEd, artist educator, director of These Walls Speak: Living Legacies of Creative Resistance
Sunday, 9:30 am - 12:15 pm -- Rm. D-200
The struggle for Ethnic Studies continues in California and across the country. The time is now to strengthen our network of support toward the implementation of ethnic studies nationwide. This assembly will continue to lay the foundation for creating pre k-12 ethnic studies throughout the nation, grounded in critical consciousness and critical thinking while being authentic and responsive to local communities. Participants in the assembly will have an opportunity to analyze and synthesize the political moment, through a collaborative and democratic process, in order to develop and strengthen the implementation of ethnic studies nationwide. Participants in this assembly will be able to identify personal and regional needs and goals around areas such as organizing, curriculum, pedagogy, and policy; exchange knowledge, tools, resources, and experiences; and build and strengthen national strategies and networks.
The struggle for Ethnic Studies continues in California and across the country. The time is now to strengthen our network of support toward the implementation of ethnic studies nationwide. This assembly will continue to lay the foundation for creating pre k-12 ethnic studies throughout the nation, grounded in critical consciousness and critical thinking while being authentic and responsive to local communities. Participants in the assembly will have an opportunity to analyze and synthesize the political moment, through a collaborative and democratic process, in order to develop and strengthen the implementation of ethnic studies nationwide. Participants in this assembly will be able to identify personal and regional needs and goals around areas such as organizing, curriculum, pedagogy, and policy; exchange knowledge, tools, resources, and experiences; and build and strengthen national strategies and networks.