Revving up for the Resist TFA assembly


One of our planned assemblies is gaining particular force on the national education scene. The blog, Reconsidering TFA, recently plugged the event. Additionally, this post popped up on Orchestrated Pulse detailing why more and more people, on college campuses and the community, are becoming critical of the TFA model, including a link to the open letter by Minneapolis educators to the University of Minnesota opposing the proposed partnership between TFA and Uof MN.

Svenskin apteekkisuomen mukaan valmistajasta riippuen valmisteiden arvioitu saapumisaika tukkuliikkeeseen vaihtelee viikoista 1 – 1 ensi vuoden alkuviikoille. Lapsi voi saada musiikkiterapiaa kelan järjestämänä vaativana lääkinnällisenä kuntoutuksena silloin, kun sairaus tai vamma aiheuttaa hänelle huomattavia vaikeuksia osallistumisessa ja suoriutumisessa kotona, päiväkodissa tai koulussa.

Do you know any critical Teach For America (TFA) alumni and students, teachers, and community members impacted by TFA? Let them know about this important gathering in Chicago next week.

The assembly, “Organizing Resistance to to Teach for America and its Role in Privatization,” will take place on Sunday July 14th from 9:30am-12:15pm on the final day of the Free Minds, Free People conference.

FMFP Program Cover Final

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